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What are COD and BODWhat is biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD)Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is also called biochemical oxygen consumption.
珠海江河海公司邀请您参观“2015第八届AQUATECH CHINA上海国际水展”
JHH Water Treatmen invites you to visit "the 8th AQUATECH CHINA Shanghai International Water
Zhuhai Jianghehai Company invites you to visit "the 8th AQUATECH CHINA Shanghai International Water
2015 Spring Festival production - completion and delivery of sea water desalination offshore project
什幺是COD和BOD什幺是生化需氧量(BOD),什幺是化学需氧量(COD) 生化需氧量(BOD) 亦称生化耗氧量。两种方法都不能反映有机污染物在水中降解的实际情况,因为,两者都没有把微生物所能氧化有机物的量表示出来。
2013 Jianghehai Labor Union Nankunshan Tourism Activity